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About Karen Sully & kDynamics

As a web services, technology coach, and marketing strategist, I bring a dynamic and energetic approach to marketing/design and technology topics and share relevant marketing savvy that reflects the latest digital trends and technology to my solopreneurs and small to medium size business customers, which include organizations predominantly in the holistic health and spiritual business niche. I am unique in that I share real world expertise drawing from my own experience as both a consumer of and practitioner of wellness and metaphysical services offered in the holistic health and wellness, "new age" and spiritual business niches. 

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As an strategic web services and interactive media designer, and as a marketing and technology consultant for over 20 years in multiple industries including the holistic health and wellness field, I possesses the ability to translate technical information into executable and understandable action steps for us all to take yielding more success in not just business, but in our world as healers and agents of transformation.

It's my passion helping others understand and break down overwhelming social media and digital technologies, empowering my customers to be part of their own expansion of visibility and understanding across the web! I love to leverage and introduce integrative technology tools into help save time, money and improve efficiency within an organization, business and people I come in contact with.

I accomplish this by offering 1 to 1 marketing and technology mentoring, group classes and instruction, and "done for you" marketing, technology, and integrative web services including but not limited to, social media presentation, content curation and web design, online SEO (search engine optimization), event marketing, and Zoom assisted classes and Zoom event moderation.

Specialties: New Business Development, Custom Internet Design/Development, Web Services, Social Media Strategy, Interactive Media, Content Curation, Identity Design and Branding, Digital Marketing, Digital Asset Management and Organization, Zoom Moderation, Computer Mentoring and Technology Education/Support.

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